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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Burnt Beans

Burnt Beans

Organic is great if you have the extra money. I am ok with buying fresh from a local farmers market if possible.

2 pounds of fresh string beans
1/4 of a Red onion (not necessary just great if you have it on hand)
Balsamic Vinegar (or red wine vinegar)
Olive oil
Salt and Pepper (Fresh Cracked if you have it)

Snap ends off beans. Rinse and place in a deep large fry pan that has a lid. Cover with water and boil until andante. You should be able to bite them rather easily just be sure to keep them firm or else they will start to fall apart in the next step. Pour beans from pan into a colander. With beans in the sink in colander put the same pan back on the stove then drizzle a bit of olive oil in the pan. Put the heat on high and put the beans back in the pan add onion if you wish salt and pepper and toss well. Drizzle with the balsamic vinegar have the lid ready, they will steam up quickly. Put the lid on them and let them sizzle for a few minutes. When you feel the steam has lifted give them a good toss. They should start to brown a bit. The beans are getting their final steam with this process. They are ready to serve when you feel they are tasty. My husband has learned to love my burning technique so we burn them a bit longer. This technique can use with asparagus, pepper and onions, zucchini and squash (zucchini and squash only need a minute or two with the boiling techniques).

$2.50 Fresh Bean
$1.00 Red Onion
Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, salt & pepper should have on hand.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Burnt Beans are Great and So Easy!! Love'em