Yummly Button


Monday, July 7, 2008


I’ve never liked to cook until the last couple of years. Now I get excited to go to the grocery to see what’s on sale and how I can create an inexpensive dish that’s low fat and full of flavor.

After being on again and off again every diet known to man I’ve decided there’s only one way to actually lose the weight and keep it off…learn how to cook low fat that doesn’t compromise flavor. I love lots of flavor. I am the girl that reaches for salt & pepper before even tasting my meal. Not to mention the request for Tabasco at every restaurant even before the meal arrives.

So I decided to make a commitment to my Baberoni and myself. To put the healthiest and most affordable meal on our table.

I love the idea of all organic. With the antibiotics and pesticides in the food we eat it is no wonder Americans have crazy diseases. We can’t afford to buy all organic, we pick and choose. I have read several studies that show organic meat & dairy are the most important. With that we make a monthly trip to our organic market and stock up on beef, poultry, fish and seafood. I ask the guys behind the counter to please pack everything into two portions. That makes meal planning so easy. When we get home everything goes into the freezer and we only pull out the package we need. You will see many of my recipes come straight out of the freezer.

As far as produce I buy them at our local produce market. I have asked the owner his personal thoughts on organic produce. He shared that the USDA is in the process of creating a standards requirement. He assured me that he buys from growers that share our concerns and buys local whenever possible. With buying local produce the need to for preservatives is no longer necessary. So educate yourself and use your best judgment.


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